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Updated: 2024-02-18

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Noodle soup.

Noodle soup.



We slept reasonably wel in the Bann Pantai Resort in Cha-am. The breakfast is as we expected, except for the coffee, which is very weak. Fortunately, the chef we have known for years is still there, we have a chat.

After breakfast we walk along the boulevard and then drink a cup of good coffee at Café Amazon. Pia also buys a hat.
Pia needs socks and Tom needs a new belt, and we can't find that anywhere in Cha-am, so we decide to go to a shopping mall in Hua Hin, Market Village.
When we are in Hua Hin we do something different, we park the car in the parking lot of the temple and go to look in an old department store in the center of Hua Hin. It turns out that this is going to close, something we expected years ago, so everything has to be sold at high discounts.
There we buy for Tom a belt, two pairs of shorts, two shirts and 5 t-shirts, but there are no socks. At the Hua Hin market we find a stall with socks, so we buy them.
We eat some noodle soup in a nice restaurant along Thanon Sa Song and decide to go and look at the beach. On the other side of the road we see a shop where only durian and durian products are sold. Of course we have to take a look there and buy something.
We walk to the beach via the neighborhood where we often stayed in the past, and along the way Pia needs a toilet. We walk back and then decide that a foot massage would be very pleasant. And they also have a toilet there.
After the foot massage, which is indeed very pleasant, at Royal Thai Massage in Thanon Naresdamri we walk to the car and drive back to Cha-am.

Pia wants to swim in the sea, we go to the beach, Pia goes into the water but she is back soon, she has gotten an itch in the water, probably jellyfish. That's why she goes swimming in the hotel pool.
We have a drink on the terrace of our bungalow, talk to the neighbors and then go see if there is something tasty to eat on the beach. There seems to be a lot of choice, but that is a bit disappointing, and here, like everywhere in Cha-am, it is very quiet.
We eat again in the hotel restaurant, the Coco Bueno Bar & Bistro. There are more people now than yesterday, but it is still very quiet.

Written on: 2023-11-22


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Our opinion about places where we have eaten, drunk or slept is not intended as a (positive or negative) assessment, there are other sites for that.
It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.